M30 meeting of HARVEST project


HARVEST held its penultimate project meeting for month 30 on 11 February 2021. The meeting took place online, given the current situation, and brought together all HARVEST partners.

The project meetings allow partners to have an overview of what other colleagues have done in their work. It also allows the coordinating team, University of Ioannina, to assess which areas or work packages may suffer from delays and therefore need a longer timeframe. Thus, the leaders of work packages 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 shared with the whole consortium of partners the progress made so far on each task, as well as the upcoming activities.

IVW reviewed the work done so far for WP5, TEG manufacturing and durability assessment, described the status of the WP with associated deliverables, milestones and risks. AIRTIFICIAL presented the schedule, objectives and associated deliverables and milestones for WP6, Technology integration: TEG-enabled structural composites with autonomous SHM, and informed the consortium of the current technical activity. SONACA then briefly presented the tasks and partners involved in WP7, Aeronautics Demonstrators: Validation & Optimisation, and continued with the technical progress/activities in relation to the manufacturing of the demonstrators. CIDETEC presented the progress of WP8, Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication Activities, summarising the objectives, status of deliverables and progress in the last 6 months. And prior the end of the presentation the University of Ioannina presented the activities of WP9, the objectives, the schedule, the results and several open questions related to the management.

The meeting was very productive, which is important in this period of juggling between personal and professional life, and has shown that HARVEST activities are on the right track.

If you want to keep up to date, follow our progress on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.
