New Solid State Battery (SSB) R&D Laboratory


CIDETEC Energy Storage boosts its activities in Solid-State Batteries with the inauguration of a dedicated state-of-the-art R&D lab


In the pathway of seeking greener technologies and high energy storage devices that are safer and more efficient (e.g. higher energy density and longer lifespan), Solid-State Batteries (SSB) play a key role as a game-changer technology in next generation batteries for emerging applications (electrical transport, energy storage, etc.).

CIDETEC Energy Storage is committed to significantly contribute to this development and, consequently, we have recently inaugurated a devoted R&D lab of advanced solid-state electrolytes and high loading electrodes.

The new lab will assess and explore the industrial feasibility of cutting-edge materials used in SSB, including scaling-up activities. The progress made will contribute to the needs of our industrial clients and collaborative Horizon Europe and regional projects such as SAFELiMOVE, SPINMATE or Elkartek CICe 2021.
